I believe one of our early posts was regarding this site being a trial of using WIX as an alternate blog platform.
Well for the most part WIX has proven pretty easy to adopt, but with a couple of caveats.
The creators of WIX cannot account for user stupidity
WIX is quite rich in its features and for a WIX noob like me, the many settings have tripped me up several times.
The latest and perhaps my worst blogging blunder ever, is that as we were starting this blog we got quite a few early subscribers and because we were making a LOT of page changes in the early weeks, at some point I (not we) must have turned off the "Send email notifications to subscribers toggle" to avoid spamming those early subscribers.
We went ahead and produced a handful of posts then became busy working with some great new software for Facebook Messenger automation and a complete all-in-one web presence and marketing suite of tools by Groove.
Periodically we made minor updates and posts to this blog but noticed none of our subscribers had bothered to come back to the site to view new posts.
So we sent you all an email apologising for lack of consistent new content and promised some new content soon. In due course we published some of our notes on coffee shots and what the mighty "God Shot" is really all about.
Then ... well ... nothing!
At this point we were suspicious something was wrong with the site so we started comparing settings between this Coffee site and our Photography site and then spotted that we did not have new-post notifications turned on for subscribers ... DOH!
Oh well, lets hope it works from here on.
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